Thursday, March 28, 2013

Creating a site with Google Pages

This week we were asked to create a website using Google Pages. I have created many websites, this was not anything new. I had a little trouble figuring out Google Pages at first, it is not the most user-friendly or intuitive program, but I figured it out pretty quickly.

I chose to create a website for a field trip to give parents information on the venue and other information they need to know. This is a realistic way I might utilize a website, such as this, in my classroom. To be honest, I think that having a classroom blog seems to meet my classroom needs more than a classroom website does. To me, websites seem more permanent than blogs. I like that blogs are easily update-able and seem a little more informal.

To view my website, all you have to do is follow this link: Kindergarten's going wild

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Creating concept maps in

This week we were asked to create a concept map using In kindergarten, we use concept maps frequently to illustrate connections or to represent our ideas. I really like the idea of being able to use technology in the creation of our concept map. I chose to create a concept map about animals. My kindergarten class will be starting a research based project on animals after spring break, and creating a map, such as this, as a group would be a great jumping off spot. Here is the map I created.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Creating screencasts

This week we were asked to create a screencast that we could use as a tutorial for a lesson we could use in our classroom. I was a little apprehensive about doing this, it seemed to be complicated, but was surprised by how easy it actually was. My screencast is aimed at kindergarten students who are working on animal research projects with their parents at home. This activity would be part of a large animal study that kindergartners will be completing in April, both in school and at home, with each kindergartener choosing different animals to research and share with the class.

For kindergarten students, using the computer takes a little assistance, but I really like the idea of creating a tutorial to help them feel some ownership over their learning and to create a little independence. By students are becoming very comfortable using computers in the classroom, and would enjoy doing their research with minimal assistance from their parents.

Using a screencast aimed at my kindergartners will also reinforce to parents, that although they need to support their children, they should not be doing the project for them. Hopefully this screencast will support and encourage my young learners and make them feel a little more independent in their own research.